
Target Audience

One of our shared pet-peeves - and something we hope to avoid making - is a film which is only ever so slightly different from most other films in it's genre. This is arguably most apparent in 'Chick Flick' films, of which several follow a basic formula, varied just enough to appeal to it's target audience (just try and spot the difference between films like Freaky Friday, It's a Boy Girl Thing and The Hot Chick.)* However, thriller films are just as guilty of this. A good example would be the perplexingly obvious similarities between Secret Window and Hide and Seek. This diagram exactly demonstrates what we didn't wanted our film to become.
With all this information in mind, we decided to aim our thriller specially at film enthusiasts: people who may spot the occasional reference to other works and hopefully appreciate and recognise the same influences we pay homage to. We envisioned this target audience as being around our age (mid-teens to early-twenties), with a notable interest in film and television and people who would equally spot the same clichés we drew up a list of, most likely to their chagrin. 

*To cover my ass, I also love some Chick Flicks. Waitress, Say Anything... c'mon, who doesn't love Mean Girls?

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