
Inspirations (read: excuses to post great film openings)

Having quite similar taste, the pair of us made a list of films with opening sequences that we particularly enjoyed or that stayed in our minds for whatever reason, but this notepad was pretty much an exercise in long-winditudinalality and so I took it upon myself to post my own personal High Fidelity-esque Top 5 Opening Sequences:


- Touch of Evil (1958)

One of the most revered and innovative tracking shots ever, Orson Welles' crime thriller has stood the test of time and over 50 years on this opening sequence still wows its viewers (well, me). It's just cool as.


Another critically acclaimed opening sequence, here Fellini shows us how silence can be utilised to contrast and accentuate the sounds of a man having a panic attack. This opening particularly influenced my ideas of the second scene of our opening, in the way silence can make a viewer feel uncomfortable rather than stumbled, keeping them on the edge instead of using scare chords to knock them off it.

- A History of Violence (2005)
seriously youtube, have I wronged you in some way?

Again, a BIG(!) influence on my ideas, Cronenberg manages to keep your attention during this sequence despite extremely little being said/described or happening. This guy has been making crazy weird films almost 40 years now. I think there is some kind of bizarre correlation between being a successful director and having David as your first name. Will research.

- Lord of War (2005)
boo you youtube let me embed this waghhhh

Was this the greatest film ever? Not by a long shot (lol). But it is quite possibly Nick Cage's finest performance in recent years and this opening alone makes it well worth watching.


- Magnolia (1999)
 I just think this is the bee's knees.

Honorable mention goes to Stranger than Fiction, A Serious Man, Amelie, Begotten (ewwww) and particularly Enter the Void for being really quite insane.

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